BLOOD Reservoir: This is the function that you can use to supply liquidity to the BLD-KLAY liquidity pool and earn profits. When you purchase BLD-KLAY LP tokens with KLAY Coins, they are automatically
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BLOOD Reservoir: This is the function that you can use to supply liquidity to the BLD-KLAY liquidity pool and earn profits. When you purchase BLD-KLAY LP tokens with KLAY Coins, they are automatically
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Liquidity is supplied to the BLOOD-KLAY liquidity pool in the form of forming a BLD-KLAY pair while purchasing BLOOD tokens with KLAY coins. When you enter the amount of KLAY to deposit for liquidity supply from the amount of KLAY that you currently hold in your wallet, the estimated amount of BLD-KLAY LP token purchase will be displayed at the bottom. If you want to purchase, click the Deposit button.
10% transaction tax is imposed on the liquidity supply. 2% of KLAY used to purchase BLD-KLAY LP tokens will be immediately distributed to liquidity providers in proportion to the liquidity supply. 5% moves to the Farm contract dividend pool, and 2% of the total amount accumulated in the Farm contract dividend pool is distributed to liquidity providers every day. The remaining 3% will be locked in the BLD-KLAY liquidity pool.
In the case of profit from liquidity supply, in addition to rewards through the dividend pool, 1% of swap fee (token exchange fee) will be imposed separately if transactions occur in the Swap menu and this amount is also paid according to deposit share ratio to liquidity providers.
This is the function that you can use to provide liquidity in the form of BLD-KLAY LP tokens, then release it and return it to KLAY. You can perform this function by entering the amount of BLD-KLAY LP, which you want for releasing liquidity, and clicking the Withdraw button. When liquidity supply is released, 10% transaction tax will be also imposed and deducted, and then it will be returned with BLOOD tokens.
This is the function that you can use to provide additional liquidity to the BLD-KLAY pool without withdrawing the KLAY coins that you obtain through rewards. When redepositing, BLD-KLAY LP tokens corresponding to the amount of KLAY are added to the total amount of BLD-KLAY and displayed.
This is the function that you can use to withdraw KLAY that you obtain through rewards (liquidity pool reward) to your wallet.
Available Rewards: This is the amount that has not been processed as Compound (redeposit, additional liquidity supply) or Claim (withdrawal) in KLAY coins received for the BLD-KLAY liquidity. BLD-KLAY liquidity rewards are paid according to the deposit share ratio of liquidity provider in the dividend pool. The liquidity dividend pool is formed through tranaction tax imposed for liquidity supply and release.
Total BLD-KLAY: When a participant purchases BLOOD tokens with KLAY tokens and provide BLD-KLAY pool liquidity, BLD-KLAY LP tokens are generated and paid. The total amount of BLD-KLAY LP tokens that a participant hold is displayed. When performing Compound for the amount of KLAY remaining in Rewards, the amount of BLD-KLAY LP token corresponding to the amount of KLAY is added.
Stake: This is the ratio of the amount of BLD-KLAY LP token that a participant holds in the total amount. When there is a reward (reward for liquidity pool supply), it will be distributed to BLD-KLAY LP token holders based on this holding ratio.
Total Withdrawn: This is the cumulative amount of KLAY received due to liquidity pool release.
Compounds: The cumulative number of re-deposits of Rewards.
Compounded Total: The accumulated amount of KLAY for which Rewards have been re-deposited.
Daily Estimated: The estimated amount of interest KLAY accrued every day from the Farm reward pool.
A description of the Blood Reservoir page where you can earn reward interest by supplying Zombienetwork liquidity.
2. Enter the amount of KLAY you want to provide liquidity among the amount of KLAY you have in the input box and click the Deposit button. Reservoir also incurs a 10% tax when buying / selling, and each tax goes to compensation and burnout for liquidity providers.
Expected Quantity to be Received: This is the estimated quantity measured by taking into account the ratio of the liquidity amount currently present on the Swap page. (This is the amount with tax applied)
3. After the transaction is approved and the deposit is completed, the information deposited after purchase is displayed on the reward board below.
Available Rewards : Represents an acceptable reward KLAY.
Total BLD-KLAY : The accumulated amount of BLD-KLAY LPs deposited after purchase.
Share Ratio : It indicates the ratio of your own BLD-KLAY LP amount out of the total amount of LP currently supplied through Blood Reservoir and means the stake.
Total Withdrawn : It means the amount withdrawn after de-depositing of the deposited LP.
Compounds : It means the number of times it has been re-deposited.
Compounded Total : Refers to the accumulated amount re-deposited.
Daily Estimated : Estimated amount of interest KLAY accrued daily from the Farm bounty pool.
4. Click the Compound button to re-deposit the amount of KLAY in Available Rewards.
5. When you click the Claim button, the amount of KLAY in Available Rewards will be transferred to your wallet.
6. Go to the Withdraw tab, enter the desired amount of BLD-KLAY LP being deposited, and click the Withdraw button to execute the transaction.
7. When withdrawal is complete, the amount of KLAY corresponding to the LP is added to the Available Reward area.
8. To send the amount to the wallet, click the Claim button to execute the transaction as in the above method. When the transaction is complete, that amount is added to Total Withdrawn.
9. In the Stats area, you can check the information that exists in the Blood Reservoir contract.
TVL : It means the KLAY value of the liquidity supply supplied through the Reservoir, excluding taxes.
Reward Pool : It refers to a reward pool that pays liquidity providers a daily 2% reward.
APR : This is a figure calculated with a one-year simple interest rate of 2% every day from the reward pool.
Contract balance : It refers to the total amount of KLAY in liquidity supplied through the Reservoir.
Lock Balance : It is a space where the 3% tax generated when supplying liquidity is accumulated, and the amount is incinerated.
Players : The number of participants who participated in liquidity supply.