Public Pre-launch guide

This document is a guide to using Zombie Network's public pre-launch.

The public pre-launch is open to anyone who wants to participate.

Hard cap is applied per person for 10 minutes after pre-launch starts. After 10 minutes, the hard cap limit per person disappears and you can purchase only the remaining quantity within the total hard cap (1,200,000). If there are a lot of buyers, please note that it may sell out early even within 10 minutes of the hard cap retention time.

Hard cap per person is 2,000 KLAY.

  1. Access the Zombie Network homepage and click Connect Wallet in the upper right corner. In the center of the screen, the remaining time until the pre-launch open is displayed.

2. Choose the wallet you want. PC supports KaiKas, Klip, and MetaMask wallets, and Dcent, Klip, and MetaMask wallets are supported when connected to mobile.

3. A gauge is displayed for the entire hardcap. You can check the remaining amount of the public pre-launch total hard cap through the gauge.

4. You can purchase BLOOD tokens by entering KLAY on the screen below. When the public pre-launch starts, the Buy button is activated. You can check the personal hard cap retention time on the screen below the purchase window.

5. When the public pre-launch starts, BLOOD tokens will be available for purchase as shown in the screen below.

Click the Buy button to submit an anti-bot issue. *After solving the bot prevention problem, the wallet connection will be disconnected, so please reconnect the wallet.

Please refer to the medium link: for captcha

If a purchase is made by inputting KLAY above the specified hard cap, the purchase proceeds normally for the available quantity, and the excess KLAY is returned to the wallet.

6. If the personal hard cap is exceeded, the purchase button will be disabled until the personal hard cap retention time expires. You can check the amount of KLAY purchased from the public pre-launch on the screen below.

7. You can check that the purchased BLOOD token is locked in the screen below. After the opening of this service, you can deposit the entire amount or claim BLOOD tokens that can be claimed through linear distribution for 90 days.

Deposit: Button to deposit the entire locked-up amount without waiting for the locked-up amount during the lock-up period. Claim: Button to claim BLOOD tokens that can be claimed from the locked-up amount and move them to your personal wallet.

All participants, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the details in advance and participate.

  • Caution: When participating in the pre-launch, if a purchase is made through an abnormal path or a transaction suspected of being a bot, all wallet addresses will be blacklisted, and all transactions in the blacklisted wallet will be taxed at a rate of 100%. Please note this advantage.

Last updated