
BLOOD Store: This is a function that you can use to trade (Buy & Sell) BLOOD tokens (BLD). If you want to deposit BLOOD tokens, you must purchase BLOOD tokens using the Buy function here. After claim

Buy BLD: BLOOD Token Purchase Function

This is the function that you can use to purchase BLOOD tokens. You can purchase BLOOD tokens using KLAY coins. When you purchase BLOOD tokens using KLAY, the amount of KLAY coins will be deducted from your wallet and the amount of BLOOD tokens will increase. When you enter the amount of KLAY coins for purchase, the amount of BLOOD tokens you can receive is displayed at the bottom. If you want to purchase, click the Buy button.

When you purchase BLOOD tokens in the Zombie Network website, no separate tax is charged, but when you purchase BLOOD tokens in other SWAP websites, 10% tax is charged and only 90% of the amount is transferred to the wallet after deduction. ([Reference] Features of Zombie Network > Tax System)

Sell BLD: BLOOD Token Sale Function

This is the function that you can use to sell the BLOOD tokens you have in your wallet. The sale is made in the form of swapping BLOOD tokens with KLAY coins. When you enter the amount of BLOOD tokens you want to sell, the estimated amount of KLAY coins that can be exchanged is displayed at the bottom. If you want to sell, simply click the Sell button.

When you sell the BLOOD tokens, the amount of BLOOD tokens decreases in the wallet as much as the amount that you sell, while the amount of KLAY coins increases.

A 10% transaction tax is imposed on BLOOD token sales. 10% of the amount of BLOOD tokens sold is deducted as transaction tax, and only 90% of the amount is swapped into KLAY coins and sent to your wallet. ([Reference] Features of Zombie Network > Tax System)

Swap Fee (Token exchange fee)

When you buy or sell BLOOD tokens, you can perform it as a swap transaction using the BLD-KLAY liquidity pool. Therefore, 1% swap fee (token exchange fee) is imposed to provide liquidity providers with rewards. It is operated separately from the imposition of transaction tax which is to make a tax pool that can provide daily 1% deposit interest.


Price: It is the amount based on KUSDT.

KLAY Balance: It is the KLAY balance of the currently connected wallet..

BLD Balance: It is the BLD balance of the currently connected wallet.

How to use


  1. Buy BLD is a function that allows you to purchase BLOOD tokens. Available on the Swap page of the Zombie Network. You can purchase the desired quantity of BLOOD tokens by entering the quantity in the KLAY field shown in the picture below.

2. Enter KLAY and the quantity will be displayed on the screen.

  • Your Balance : The amount of KLAY you have in your wallet.

  • Estimated received : The amount of BLOOD tokens you will receive when purchasing BLOOD tokens with the entered KLAY.

  • Minimum received : Minimum quantity of BLOOD tokens you will receive upon purchase. (It depends on the size of the slippage)

  • Slippage Tolerance : The set slippage percentage. You can change it via the button shown in the photo below. (If the percentage balance of the pool is significantly different, an error may occur if the slippage is set to be small.)

3. After entering the KLAY required to purchase BLOOD tokens, click the Buy button to complete the transaction, and BLOOD tokens will be purchased. Purchased BLOOD tokens will be added to your wallet.

Sell BLD

  1. Sell BLD is the ability to sell BLOOD tokens. You can sell BLOOD tokens by entering the desired quantity in the BLOOD field shown in the picture below. When selling BLOOD tokens, you can receive KLAY corresponding to the price of the quantity sold. *BLOOD token sale will result in 10% TAX.

2. Enter BLOOD and the screen will show the quantity.

  • Your Balance : The amount of BLOOD tokens you hold in your wallet.

  • Estimated received : This is the amount of KLAY you will receive when selling BLOOD tokens. (This is the amount with tax applied)

  • Minimum received : This is the minimum amount of KLAY you will receive when selling BLOOD tokens.

  • Slippage Tolerance : The set slippage percentage. You can change it via the button shown in the photo below.

3. After entering the BLOOD token sale quantity, click the Sell button to complete the transaction, and BLOOD tokens will be sold. KLAY corresponding to the price of the quantity sold is added to the wallet.

Last updated